
What you'll do

Your chatbot prototype was well received, but to present to the WaveRider decision makers we'll have to apply user interface techniques to make it more refined and market ready.

Chatbot User Interface Enhancement

Skills You'll Learn and Do

This final module typically takes an hour to complete depending on how far you enhance the User Interface of your chatbot and your familiarity with these practices.

User Interface Design and Development

  • Use your creative mindset to create visually appealing formats.
  • Understand and apply responsive design principles to ensure a consistent experience.
  • Learn the fundamentals of creating a seamless and engaging user experience.

Techical Proficiency

  • Test and debug your final chatbot product.
  • Understand how to develop UI in Python.
  • Acquire a proficiency in creating standalone UI designs.

Customer Interaction and Communication

  • Understand the importance of user interface in engaging audience both internally and externally.
  • Develop the ability to address various customer queries, concerns, and comments through a chatbot.
  • Learn effective techniques to design chatbot responses which are informative, engaging, and aligned with WaveRider's ethos.

Let's Learn About User Interface Techniques
